format_quote Originally Posted by
Its been few months now, since my heart was opened up with light of guidance, alhamdulilah i was redirected to seek more knowledge of Islam. As I am trying my best to Refresh my knowledge with the basics once again, 'aqeedah', and issues of 'fiqh', 'Quran recitation' etc. I dont feel quite ready to resume my second semester at college which begins in one week. I want to delay my studying until I am done my Islamic studies, however it will be a while and from previous experience I have learned I am not capable of handling both Full time college work and attaining Firdh Islamic Ilm. I am torn between two things, How shall I compensate for the other? Any advice for my moral dilemma will be appreciated!:hmm: btw, if you would advise Istakarah, I have done so, I dont see any way out of mind is fogged!
Unless you wanna be a scholar of Islam, you should continue your studies and practice what you know.
Islam is not in Islamic Studies. They will merely become "information" unless you teach and practice them. There are not many things that a muslim should know to function as a basic muslim/muslimah.
I'm sure you know how to pray, fast and circumstances that annul them. They are certain knowledge that is not required for you until you need them. For example, the Fiqh of Marriage, unless you're getting maried next week, that knowledge will become information for you and you'll end up opening text books and cutting and pasting.
While your enthusiasm is greatly admired, you gotta have a sense of reality here. Your feelings is your choice. When you said you're not ready, it means that you CHOSE not to be ready.
Trust me, you're just fine. You must allow yourself time before all the Islamic knowledge comes to you.
go to school, finish your studies and practice whatever knowledge you have to perfection. You will be in a better position after you graduate because one part of your life is done.
Islamic studies is life. Life progresses. YOu will learn until you die.