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View Full Version : They converted to Islam through these circumstances!

07-06-2010, 06:43 PM
From the stories of new-Muslims and how did they convert to Islam, we can deduce (conclude) the reasons and conditions, which lead them to make a decision of embracing Islam.
We can summarize these reasons and conditions in the following points:
1-Looking for happy life after subjection to hard times in the childhood or adolescence such as: parents divorce – smoking weeds – difference between parents' creeds and if various churches are teaching conflicting doctrine, how do we know which one is right? Are they all right? Church of Christ, Lutheran, catholic, Methodist, protestant…do all paths lead to God?
2- No feeling of happiness, even if the person got money or fame or position… etc.
3- Collapse of credibility of an ideology such as Communism or Capitalism or Socialism.
4-Doubting or hating the embraced creed or belief such as Christians who doubt Trinity, or Christians who hate doing prayers in churches, or hating buying the paradise or forgiveness by giving money to priest (or pastor)!
5-Happening of special events that increase curiosity of non-Muslims to recognize the Islamic religion. (For example: after 11 of September in 1999 in USA, more than 250 thousands embraced Islam in the course of few months).
6-Aquaintence with good Muslims that observe or follow its good and great Islamic manners.
7-Coming across a book related to Islam or translated Quran or scientific signs of Quran & Sunna.
8-Helding conferences or lectures in non-Islamic countries.
9-Listening to scholars or sheiks having interested style and power to convince.
10-Listening to Islamic debates between Muslims and Christians.
11-New-Muslims encourage non-Muslims to embrace Islam.
12-Traveling to Islamic countries.
13-Listening to Azan or Quran – watching Masjids, prayer, pilgrims and fasting rituals – admiring Hijab (veil).
14-Forbidding of harmful things in Islam, which coincides with sound nature as drinking wine and injuring others encourage non-Muslim to enter Islam.

All in all, welcome for any one would like to add other point.
At last, please concentrate on above conditions so that we will help non-Muslims Americana and Europeans or others to embrace Islam.

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07-06-2010, 06:47 PM
Not to spam this post but is this correct?
format_quote Originally Posted by waleedsss
after 11 of September in 1999 in USA
or a typo?As i can`t remember anything happening in 1999.
Delete this post after if you want.

07-06-2010, 06:54 PM
Very interesting thread.
I am very interested to understand the reasons why people revert to Islam better.

From what I have heard from reverts I am sure many of those reasons given are correct.

But I would love to read any actual formal research which has been done into this topic (rather than a collection of reasons, which is interesting but only of limited statistical value).
If anybody knows of any, please post them here.

Thank you.

07-06-2010, 11:43 PM

personally, it was the way of life. the treatment of women and the rights given by ISlam(not Muslims) and the general way of life. alhamdulillah.

I love how Islam has an answer for everything. provides guidance through every step.

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07-08-2010, 03:10 AM
another big one: conversion prior to marriage with muslim.

12-02-2010, 07:53 PM
If Allah guides them none can lead them astray. This is the real reason. This should be the focus.

12-02-2010, 10:46 PM
They open their own hearts, willingly and Allah(swt) guides them. But sadly, there are also people such as;

"And [even] if We opened to them a gate from the heaven and they continued therein to ascend, They would say, "Our eyes have only been dazzled. Rather, we are a people affected by magic." (15:14-15)

It's so true.

Sicilian Muslim
12-03-2010, 01:27 AM
Bismillah walHamdulillah

what really attracted me to Islam started with hip hop music,a certain rapper i listened too would say the name "Allah" quite often and i always had a deep curiosity of who this Allah is,it lingered for years as i was "too busy" with my life,but that did spark something in me,then after the Iraq war began my interest in Islam started up again,i lived in NY during 9/11 and HATED Islam because of 9/11 (Astagfirullah) but after moving and having much time to contemplate i started looking into Islam,what really attracted me alot was the Sadja,the prostration of one to God Almighty moved me in ways beyond description,i just remember at the time wanting to make Sadja very very bad...ALLAH Guides in ways beyond our comprehension

12-03-2010, 09:43 PM
Very touching story. Keep learning more and more. :)

12-04-2010, 02:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sicilian Muslim
Bismillah walHamdulillah

what really attracted me to Islam started with hip hop music,a certain rapper i listened too would say the name "Allah" quite often and i always had a deep curiosity of who this Allah is,it lingered for years as i was "too busy" with my life,but that did spark something in me,then after the Iraq war began my interest in Islam started up again,i lived in NY during 9/11 and HATED Islam because of 9/11 (Astagfirullah) but after moving and having much time to contemplate i started looking into Islam,what really attracted me alot was the Sadja,the prostration of one to God Almighty moved me in ways beyond description,i just remember at the time wanting to make Sadja very very bad...ALLAH Guides in ways beyond our comprehension
''wanting to make Sajdah is an amazing thing.. I wanted to share this:

فضل سجدة الشكر

أغلبنا يفتقد فضلها ولا يعرف كيفيتها

ان العبد اذا صلى ثم سجد سجدة الشكر فتح الرب تعالى الحجاب بين العبد وبين الملائكة
فيقول: يا ملائكتي انظروا الى عبدي أدى فريضتي وأتم عهدي ثم سجد لي شكرا على ما أنعمت به عليه
ـ ياملائكتي ماذا له ؟
فتقول الملائكة:ياربنا رحمتك
ثم يقول الرب تعالى :ثم ماذا له؟
فتقول الملائكة:يا ربنا جنتك
فيقول الرب تعالى :ثم ماذا؟
فتقول الملائكة :ياربنا كفاه ماهمه
فيقول الرب تعالى :ثم ماذا؟
فلا يبقى شيء من الخير الا قالته الملائكة
فيقول الله تعالى:ياملائكتي ثم ماذا؟
فتقول الملائكة ياربنا لا علم لنا
فيقول الله تعالى :لأشكرنه كما شكرني وأقبل إليه بفضلي وأريه رحمتي
ماذا يضرنا لو سجدنا سجود شكر كل يوم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
تراها سجدة مش صلاة ؟!
ولا يُشترط لسجود الشكر ما يُشترط للصلاة من وضوء واستقبال قبلة وتكبير ؛ لأنه مجرد سجود .
وإن كان الأفضل أن يسجد على طهارة ويكون مستقبلا القبلة .
فمن تجددت له نعمة ، أو اندفعت عنه نقمة ، فيُسنّ له أن يسجد شكراً لله ، سواء كان متوضأ أو غير متوضئ ، وسواء كان مُستقبلا القبلة أو غير مستقبل القبلة .

وزعه لكل اللي عندك لو يسمعونه تاخذ اجرهم
حتى وانت متوفي بعد عمر طويل

فأنصحك لا تفوت الفرصة عليك...
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضاء نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
من قال " سبحان الله وبحمده " في يوم مائة مرة حُطَّت خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر
سبحان الله وبحمده،، سبحان الله العظيم

sob7an Allah.. you had a genuine desire to make prostration and he who performs it out of sincere love of God has incurred that much love and mercy from Allah swt..


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