Is Non Islamic Law/Man Made Law/Kafir Law Oppression/Persecution of Muslims ?


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Is Non Islamic Law/Man Made Law/Kafir Law Oppression/Persecution of Muslims ? What I am trying to ask is if a Non Muslim Land having Non Muslim Law like Secular Law or Separation of Religion and State is this Oppression of Muslims and could this be even Oppression of Non Muslims can anyone explain how Non Islamic Law is Oppression/Persecution of Muslims ? I have heard some Muslims say Non Islamic Law is Oppression can anyone tell me why this is ?

There is no Darul Islam in the world today. By Darul Islam we mean a territory where the Laws of Allah are sovereign and where the security is in the hands of genuine muslims. Today the world has no example of a full Islamic system whereby Muslims and Non-Muslims can benefit from the security, progress, justice and mercy of the supreme Divine Law. However, even in the absence of Darul Islam Muslims are still supposed to be following the Islamic law as much as possible, individually and collectively. In Islamic history millions of non-Muslims lived in Darul Islam under an Islamic authority and law, millions of them eventually embraced Islam due to the supremacy of that system. Today millions of Muslims in every continent are calling for the return of Darul Islam as they have tasted the horrors and oppression of the dictatorship of man-made law in all its various forms whether Democracy, Communism, Socialism, Nationalism, Monarchy or Military dictatorship.

Persecution of Muslims

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is it in the governments interest to serve God (Allah) or the political elite? With broken families, high rape, paedophilia, massive percentages of alcohol related diseases and deaths, homelessness, obesity. These statistics reflect the success of a government which rules by man made law and it paints a picture that tells us the government only serve the interests of the political elite, including big corporations, banks and man's desires.
if u r asking that how a Muslim live in non-Muslim countries with secularism and no religion in politics. i think very few commandment of islam are related to collective life (although they are v.imp and v cant neglect them) and most of commandment are directly related to one own self. i mean salat, hajj, zakat, fasting, purify ur heart and soul, kindness, trust in Allah swt, avoiding lying, backbiting, illegal sex etc etc... all these are related to one personal matter and state cant interfere much in that.
the commandment relating to mutual and collective life, politics and system and also very important but they cant be implemented until we have some ground for it. i mean at current time max 30% of muslims are praying, so talking about Islamic law in not practical, although we are not ignoring it. i mean if u cant apply Islam on ur body how one can claim to apply islam in one country... the first step is social and mutual reform and then state, like Prophet PBUH, he first brought the reform in life on Muslim through dawa and then in madina they made an Islamic state with Islamic law.
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USA gives freedom of religion and care a lot about their muslim citizen rights. i think muslims should ask for an autonomous state with islamic law in USA. because USA is such a great country caring for all citizen's religous rights, i'm sure theyll comply. what you all think of this idea?

good idea to send letter to your state senate and governors and other representatives?
I found this it's not my words. One of my friends on FB has it as a note.

In the name of Allah, all praise be to Allah, and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon His Messenger, his messenger's family, his companions and the ones who follow them in goodness.

Islam is based on pure monotheism, singling Allah in His Lordship, He is the Lord of the worlds, nothing is like unto Him, He is the Creator of everything, The Designer and sustainer of this universe.
Singling Him out in our worship to Him. We do not seek refuge, pray to, follow the law of, love totally, surrender to, sacrifice to, rely on anyone except Him.

Singling Him out in His divine names and attributes. He is the Creator, the Al Mighty, the Provider, The Most Merciful, The High, the King of Kings. We do not give His divine names and attributes to His creation nor do we give the attributes of His creation to Him, Glorified and Exalted is He from that.

The Muslim must stay within this basic belief in Allah as One, the Oneness of Allah, pure monotheism, Tawhid in Arabic, at all time in order to stay a Muslim and gain salvation in the Hereafter.

When is the Muslim justified to worship others besides Allah? Is there a situation when this can be permitted? Answer is in Quran:

Surat An-Nahl "Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment;" (106:106)

No other situation would permit a Muslim to worship false gods except if he is to be coerced to do so while his heart is content with Islam.

A false god is someone or something that assumes or assumed an attribute, worthiness of worship or lordship in what is for Allah alone.

An integral part of the oneness of Allah as Lord, and Allah as the only true God to be worshiped, and Allah's names and attributes is Him being the Judge, the Legislator, the Law giver. Nothing and nobody has the right to Judge, give laws, legislate, except under the Law of Allah, Sharia, and no one is allowed to acknowledge that for other than Allah.

Knowing that, it is very clear that Parliaments today are in fact false gods. They legislate for people outside the law of Allah, thus sharing with Allah His divine attributes, lordship and worship. This is a conclusion that has no disagreement among the scholars of Islam, the classical and the contemporary ones alike.

The problem is when some contemporary scholars try to justify acknowledgement of the authority of that false god today, telling Muslims yes you can vote in that false god system, and run for it to be a member, an integral part of that false god.

But as we have seen earlier, there is no justification of disbelief in the Oneness of Allah except by force. Nobody is forced to do that today, and even in some countries that have laws to impose fines on people who do not vote, one can always submit a blank vote.

But they come with all sorts of justifications, exalted is Allah, standing at the gates of Jahannam, calling people to it, whoever answers their call gets thrown in Hellfire.

Some people argue, we are not worshiping that false god, we are just doing this for the goodness of the community, while we don't believe we are worshiping that thing.

Well, the ones who call upon the prophet pbuh, Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Fatima, the saints, mother Teressa, Jesus, etc. will tell the same thing. Even the pagans at the time of the prophet pbuh said the same thing, we are not worshiping them, we are just taking them as an intercession with Allah. That justification is void and null in Islam.

The belief system has 3 dimensions, belief in the heart, belief on the tongue and belief in the actions of limbs. They are integral to one another and cannot be separated. It does not matter if belief in your heart something while your actions are showing disbelief, that makes you a disbeliever anyhow. This is with the consensus of the Muslim scholars. The scholars described the sect called "Al Murji'ah" who said that actions are separate from heart and tongue as being a more dangerous and disbelieving sect than the Jews.

[‘Udai bin Hatim AtTaa’i was a Christian before he became Muslim, so he asked the Prophet PBUH about this verse: But we did not worship our scholars and monks. The Prophet at that asked him, did not they make haram to be halal for you and make halal to be haram for you and you followed then in that? ‘Udai replied Yes. The Prophet PBUH said: That is your worship of them.]

Parliaments today are false gods worshiped beside Allah for legislating outside His law, and people who are running for them and people who vote for them are committing shirk (disbelief in association partners with Allah). So brothers and sisters, quit yourself from that so that you meet your Lord with a clean heart. Who would want to carry this on his or her shoulders on the day of Judgement?

If you ask those who justify shirk like this to better the Muslim communities, would you take a riba (interest, usury) loan from the bank to better a Muslim community condition? They would immediately answer no, but they have no problem of justifying shirk for the same goal, while interest on loans is less than shirk as a sin, even murder and rape are lesser sins than shirk. Subhan Allah.

What can be better to a Muslim community than to hold on to Tawhid (oneness of Allah)? And what can be worse to a Muslim community than shirk (associating partners with Allah)?

The lesser evil of the two? No, they got that all wrong, you chose the lesser of the evils if you have no other choice, but here you have the choice to stay away with your Islam from both evils. If America waged war on Canada, will the Muslims of Canada stand and fight along with the Canadian army? Well, if they do that, and die on the battlefield, they will die the death of disbelief as the prophet pbuh said, whoever dies under a blind banner dies the death of jahiliyah (ignorance time of disbelief). And would the Muslims who have American passports living in Canada join the American army and fight? Muslims killing Muslims for the sake of kaafir army? No, Muslims should stay away and not say (join the lesser evil).

Do you think that Allah is absent from what is happening in the world? Are you protected from His wrath that He may send upon your heads for this that you are doing against Him?

Why do you seek glory with other than Him? Don't you ponder? "Those who take disbelievers as Ayliyaa (allies/leaders/guardians) instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely." (4:139)

Many today don't include Allah's power in their political equations as if He is not here.
Once a Muslim community disconnects from this shirk and hold on tight to the rope of Allah, then He will help them out and facilitate things for them. Look at what He has done to Japan, in a few minutes, the super economical power has crumbled on its knees.

Muslims also should work on helping themselves uniting and establishing their own system within the community, go out on the streets help the poor, stand by each other.

Many Muslims today don't want to work, they want the disbelievers do things for them while they sit on their behinds voting and watching television waiting for Mr. Congressman or MP to fix their situation, and the fake scholars are encouraging them to do so.

Moreover, did voting in a democracy really help Muslims being heard or improve their situation? Nope, that is just an illusion. Even many disbelivers have realized that today and stopped from voting.

Did you know that stupid Muslims in America voted G W Bush in when he was running against Al Gore? Look what Bush had done to them. Do we ponder?

And who has the authority to tell Muslims which disbelieving party they should vote for? Are Muslims even united on their choice of political parties? No. Which is better, a party that will ban Hijab and Islamic public schools while calling on the withdrawal of troops killing Muslims around the world, or a party that gives Muslims in the community the freedom to wear Hijab and to establish schools while sending troops and air force to kill and carpet bomb your brothers and sisters around the world?

We may find in America soon "Democratic Mosques" and "Republican Mosques" more division than unity.

What you have read above is a clear proof that we should not take any as legislators beside Allah, otherwise we will be worshiping them. And if you follow some contemporary scholars who go against the clear evidences above, allowing giving the kuffar authority to legislate for us through voting for them, with no evidence whatsoever from Quran or Sunnah, then you would be worshiping those scholars as well.

We ask Allah SWT goodness for the Ummah where the obedient are praised and the disobedient humiliated, where enjoining goodness and forbidding evil are prevalent and where that banner of Sharia, justice, truth and dignity is flying high over our heads, Ameen.

And Allah knows best, He is enough for us, He is our protector, and upon Allah let the believers rely.
USA gives freedom of religion and care a lot about their muslim citizen rights. i think muslims should ask for an autonomous state with islamic law in USA. because USA is such a great country caring for all citizen's religous rights, i'm sure theyll comply. what you all think of this idea?

good idea to send letter to your state senate and governors and other representatives?

sister, I live in the U.S and that statement is simply not true. In fact they're working on it to make it almost illegal to be Muslim pretty much walking in Europe's footsteps:

[TABLE="class: auto-style2, align: center"]
[TD="width: 600, colspan: 2"][h=1]
Thursday | Rajab 11, 1433 AH | May 31, 2012
[TD]Dear Friend,

Assalamu Alaikum
Last week, Kansas became the sixth state to pass an anti-Sharia bill since 2010.
And the campaign against Islam is clearly picking up steam as we head toward the presidential elections later this year. Similar proposals are being considered in 20 states.
Banning Sharia will directly impact Muslim marriages, divorces, Islamic financing, and mediation. Banning Sharia is like banning Jewish Halakha practiced by many Jews in America.
One of the major problems in this campaign is that Muslim perspectives are simply not available. Just Google it and see for yourself what type of images and articles you find. Sound Vision, the leading developer of content for Muslims, is set to remedy that with our Sharia101 project.
Please donate now to support this project.

Muslims live Sharia everyday when we pray, fast, earn honestly, offer charity, eat Halal, take care of our families and Masjids, as well as serve our communities. However, the term “Sharia” is fast becoming a term of hate at the hands of Islamophobes to attack Islam. This has dangerous, far-reaching consequences for American Muslims which have already begun.
While the U.S. Supreme Court recognized Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, among the eighteen greatest lawgivers of the world in 1935, a majority of Americans are confused about Sharia and do not understand what it is.
Muslims cannot afford to be silent about the extreme misinformation that is being fed to our non-Muslim neighbors and leaders about our way of life. Our very future as Muslims on this continent depends on us standing up today to ensure that Islam remains a vibrant part of America and we are granted freedom of religion as guaranteed by the US constitution.
This is where the Sharia 101 project comes in.
Sound Vision has launched this major campaign to develop and provide Muslim perspectives on Sharia. The aim is to establish a major web portal,, that will become a repository of accurate, accessible, concise, as well as in-depth information about Sharia.

Insha Allah, the site will feature not only articles, but short videos, and images as well. The primary audiences are not just non-Muslims, many of whom are being fed hatred and propaganda against Islamic practices, but also, young American Muslims, confused and influenced by the plethora of negative material easily available about Sharia. will be a critical tool to foster a better understanding of Sharia, and Islam and Muslims in general. This project is also crucial to safeguard the independence of all religions from the interference of the state.
Everyone else is talking about Sharia. It’s time we stand up and speak for ourselves.


Abdul Malik Mujahid
P.S. We have been working on this project for several months. Some work is
already done. With your support we intend to finish the first phase this summer insha Allah. Funds are needed to pay the scholars and professors working on it. They are also needed to print our six brochures, which are being used by Muslims all around the country where anti-Sharia debates are taking place.
Read more about Sharia101 here. Read our brochures here, here, and here.
The Mission of Sound Vision
Sound Vision aims to produce content that helps build bridges of understanding among neighbors.

Sound Vision Foundation is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization.
[h=2]Sharia Resources Available Now[/h]

These three brochures are available now for our neighbors providing some aspects of Muslims perspectives on the Sharia debate. Order printed copies here, here, and here or Download free from the links below:
The Sharia Muslim Americans Live.pdf
Prophet honored by Supreme Court.pdf
Sharia and the Freedom of Religion.pdf
[h=2]Support Sharia 101 Project[/h] [h=4] Why Sharia 101 Project is Critical for Muslim Americans[/h]
"….my brother, the MOST IMPORTANT reality behind this legislation is that the overwhelming majority of Americans (non-Muslim) do not have the slightest idea about the actual character and content of Sharia …."
— A Christian interfaith leader writing to a Muslim leader about Tennessee’s Sharia bill​
[h=4] What Masjids can do for Sharia[/h] [h=4] What you and your family can do for Sharia[/h] [h=4] 7 Things Churches and Synagogues can do for Sharia[/h] [h=5]Donate for Sharia ProjectVolunteer for Sharia ProjectUnderstanding the Sharia Project[/h] [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]
© 2012 Sound Vision Foundation. All rights reserved.​
Sound Vision Management
Abdul Malik Mujahid, President, Dr. Ahmed Murad, Vice President; Taha Ghayyur, Manager Development; Ahmed Ansari, Manger Finance; Amnah Murad, Producer Radio Islam; Samana Siddiqui, Content Manager​
Sound Vision Board
Dr. Khalid Riaz, Secretary; Taufiq Ahmed, treasurer; Janaan Hashim; Hannah ElAmeen; Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Fuad Lashkarwala.​
Sound Vision
9058 S. Harlem Ave., Bridgeview, IL 60455
Sound Vision is a not for profit tax exempt 501 (C) 3 organization​
what the muslims in usa need is a muslim interest group. interest groups get a lot of things done in usa. because they finance government officials so they can get their way. i'll write more about interest groups soon.
what the muslims in usa need is a muslim interest group. interest groups get a lot of things done in usa. because they finance government officials so they can get their way. i'll write more about interest groups soon.

They've been trying and we also have a few Muslims in Congress. It takes time.
^no it doesn't. it takes a few sincere dedicated people. putting together an interest group is not difficult. and once you have something like true practicing muslim interest group, muslims in USA will themselves join the group.

more about interest groups and how they work soon.
Interest groups

Interest groups are the third institution that aggregate citizen demands into meaningful patterns. In general, the jobs of a political party are to win elections and then to govern. However, elections have two major difficulties as method of communicating information about public preferences to policy makers. First, when people cast their votes, no one really knows why they voted as they did.

Second, the vote count cannot indicate how strongly people feel about particular issues.

Interest groups help to solve both of these problems with elections by supplying policy-specific information. For example, the national organization for women (NOW) and the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP), etc.

Political parties attempt to attract interest groups. They even allow some groups to assist in writing party platforms (called party manifestos in Europe). In this process, parties attempt to discern the strength of an interest group, the financial support the group will provide in the coming election, and how well the group can deliver votes of its members on election day. In developing party platforms or manifestos, interest groups and parties can bargain over specific policy proposals and general ideological positions. Labor unions may press the Democratic Party to call for a higher minimum wage in its party platform, while the NAACP and NOW may push for strong affirmative action language. Notice, however, that party leaders must balance these various demands. The Democratic Party will attempt to appeal not only to the NAACP and NOW, but also to members of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), environmentalists, and public school teachers. If the party does not support affirmative action strongly enough to satisfy the NAACP or NOW, those groups may not go all out to help elect Democrats. Their members may stay home rather than vote. At the same time, if the Democratic Party focuses too much on affirmative action, it may lose the support of the AARP, the ACLU, and environmental organizations.

The Republican Party faces similar problems. If it stresses a prolife position too vigorously, it may lose the support of the National Taxpayers Association and the National Chamber of Commerce. These groups are conservative on economic issues, but they are not necessarily authoritarian on social issues. If the Republican Party stresses conservative economic policies too much, it may lose the votes of the working class and the elderly. This bargaining process among interest groups over political platforms can play an important role in moderating ideological extremism in a political party’s platform and its candidates.

Interest groups help to link citizen desires to policy outcomes in several ways. They can ensure that parties and candidates keep their promises. Because most citizens do not seek out information on how their legislators voted on particular issues, they benefit when the interest groups to which they belong provide that information. Organizations often list the candidates they support and those they oppose. For example, the interest group Environmental Action keeps a list of the “The Dirty Dozen,” legislators that the group believes most consistently vote against environmental legislation. Many other groups also publish lists of candidates they want to see defeated. These activities by interest groups reduce information costs to potential voters. By officially endorsing or rejecting candidates, groups provide the public with information concerning the candidates’ previous records and how the group expects them to act in the future. Thus, interest groups encourage linkage by reminding parties and candidates of their promises.

Interest groups also assist linkage by informing their members when policy makers are deciding specific issues. If the legislature is about to decide an issue critical to group members, the group can mobilize its members to write to legislators or the prime minister or president. This shows policy makers that those people place strong emphasis on particular issues. Policy makers know that people who take the time to write them letters are also likely to pay the costs of voting.

Finally, laws and rules work better if the citizens know about them. Interest groups assist this process. If you own a small business and join an interest group that represents small business interests, that group will provide information concerning the effects of new regulations and tax laws on your business.

In summary, interest groups can be key institutions in the linkage process. They transmit specific policy demands to political parties and candidates, bargain over various issues and ideological positions, and rally their members to campaign and vote for selected parties or candidates. Groups also keep track of officials’ actions after the election and provide this information to members. This arms group members with the information they need to communicate their wishes to public officials between elections and to cast knowledgeable votes in the next election.