I found this it's not my words. One of my friends on FB has it as a note.
In the name of Allah, all praise be to Allah, and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon His Messenger, his messenger's family, his companions and the ones who follow them in goodness.
Islam is based on pure monotheism, singling Allah in His Lordship, He is the Lord of the worlds, nothing is like unto Him, He is the Creator of everything, The Designer and sustainer of this universe.
Singling Him out in our worship to Him. We do not seek refuge, pray to, follow the law of, love totally, surrender to, sacrifice to, rely on anyone except Him.
Singling Him out in His divine names and attributes. He is the Creator, the Al Mighty, the Provider, The Most Merciful, The High, the King of Kings. We do not give His divine names and attributes to His creation nor do we give the attributes of His creation to Him, Glorified and Exalted is He from that.
The Muslim must stay within this basic belief in Allah as One, the Oneness of Allah, pure monotheism, Tawhid in Arabic, at all time in order to stay a Muslim and gain salvation in the Hereafter.
When is the Muslim justified to worship others besides Allah? Is there a situation when this can be permitted? Answer is in Quran:
Surat An-Nahl "Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment;" (106:106)
No other situation would permit a Muslim to worship false gods except if he is to be coerced to do so while his heart is content with Islam.
A false god is someone or something that assumes or assumed an attribute, worthiness of worship or lordship in what is for Allah alone.
An integral part of the oneness of Allah as Lord, and Allah as the only true God to be worshiped, and Allah's names and attributes is Him being the Judge, the Legislator, the Law giver. Nothing and nobody has the right to Judge, give laws, legislate, except under the Law of Allah, Sharia, and no one is allowed to acknowledge that for other than Allah.
Knowing that, it is very clear that Parliaments today are in fact false gods. They legislate for people outside the law of Allah, thus sharing with Allah His divine attributes, lordship and worship. This is a conclusion that has no disagreement among the scholars of Islam, the classical and the contemporary ones alike.
The problem is when some contemporary scholars try to justify acknowledgement of the authority of that false god today, telling Muslims yes you can vote in that false god system, and run for it to be a member, an integral part of that false god.
But as we have seen earlier, there is no justification of disbelief in the Oneness of Allah except by force. Nobody is forced to do that today, and even in some countries that have laws to impose fines on people who do not vote, one can always submit a blank vote.
But they come with all sorts of justifications, exalted is Allah, standing at the gates of Jahannam, calling people to it, whoever answers their call gets thrown in Hellfire.
Some people argue, we are not worshiping that false god, we are just doing this for the goodness of the community, while we don't believe we are worshiping that thing.
Well, the ones who call upon the prophet pbuh, Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Fatima, the saints, mother Teressa, Jesus, etc. will tell the same thing. Even the pagans at the time of the prophet pbuh said the same thing, we are not worshiping them, we are just taking them as an intercession with Allah. That justification is void and null in Islam.
The belief system has 3 dimensions, belief in the heart, belief on the tongue and belief in the actions of limbs. They are integral to one another and cannot be separated. It does not matter if belief in your heart something while your actions are showing disbelief, that makes you a disbeliever anyhow. This is with the consensus of the Muslim scholars. The scholars described the sect called "Al Murji'ah" who said that actions are separate from heart and tongue as being a more dangerous and disbelieving sect than the Jews.
[‘Udai bin Hatim AtTaa’i was a Christian before he became Muslim, so he asked the Prophet PBUH about this verse: But we did not worship our scholars and monks. The Prophet at that asked him, did not they make haram to be halal for you and make halal to be haram for you and you followed then in that? ‘Udai replied Yes. The Prophet PBUH said: That is your worship of them.]
Parliaments today are false gods worshiped beside Allah for legislating outside His law, and people who are running for them and people who vote for them are committing shirk (disbelief in association partners with Allah). So brothers and sisters, quit yourself from that so that you meet your Lord with a clean heart. Who would want to carry this on his or her shoulders on the day of Judgement?
If you ask those who justify shirk like this to better the Muslim communities, would you take a riba (interest, usury) loan from the bank to better a Muslim community condition? They would immediately answer no, but they have no problem of justifying shirk for the same goal, while interest on loans is less than shirk as a sin, even murder and rape are lesser sins than shirk. Subhan Allah.
What can be better to a Muslim community than to hold on to Tawhid (oneness of Allah)? And what can be worse to a Muslim community than shirk (associating partners with Allah)?
The lesser evil of the two? No, they got that all wrong, you chose the lesser of the evils if you have no other choice, but here you have the choice to stay away with your Islam from both evils. If America waged war on Canada, will the Muslims of Canada stand and fight along with the Canadian army? Well, if they do that, and die on the battlefield, they will die the death of disbelief as the prophet pbuh said, whoever dies under a blind banner dies the death of jahiliyah (ignorance time of disbelief). And would the Muslims who have American passports living in Canada join the American army and fight? Muslims killing Muslims for the sake of kaafir army? No, Muslims should stay away and not say (join the lesser evil).
Do you think that Allah is absent from what is happening in the world? Are you protected from His wrath that He may send upon your heads for this that you are doing against Him?
Why do you seek glory with other than Him? Don't you ponder? "Those who take disbelievers as Ayliyaa (allies/leaders/guardians) instead of the believers. Do they seek with them honor [through power]? But indeed, honor belongs to Allah entirely." (4:139)
Many today don't include Allah's power in their political equations as if He is not here.
Once a Muslim community disconnects from this shirk and hold on tight to the rope of Allah, then He will help them out and facilitate things for them. Look at what He has done to Japan, in a few minutes, the super economical power has crumbled on its knees.
Muslims also should work on helping themselves uniting and establishing their own system within the community, go out on the streets help the poor, stand by each other.
Many Muslims today don't want to work, they want the disbelievers do things for them while they sit on their behinds voting and watching television waiting for Mr. Congressman or MP to fix their situation, and the fake scholars are encouraging them to do so.
Moreover, did voting in a democracy really help Muslims being heard or improve their situation? Nope, that is just an illusion. Even many disbelivers have realized that today and stopped from voting.
Did you know that stupid Muslims in America voted G W Bush in when he was running against Al Gore? Look what Bush had done to them. Do we ponder?
And who has the authority to tell Muslims which disbelieving party they should vote for? Are Muslims even united on their choice of political parties? No. Which is better, a party that will ban Hijab and Islamic public schools while calling on the withdrawal of troops killing Muslims around the world, or a party that gives Muslims in the community the freedom to wear Hijab and to establish schools while sending troops and air force to kill and carpet bomb your brothers and sisters around the world?
We may find in America soon "Democratic Mosques" and "Republican Mosques" more division than unity.
What you have read above is a clear proof that we should not take any as legislators beside Allah, otherwise we will be worshiping them. And if you follow some contemporary scholars who go against the clear evidences above, allowing giving the kuffar authority to legislate for us through voting for them, with no evidence whatsoever from Quran or Sunnah, then you would be worshiping those scholars as well.
We ask Allah SWT goodness for the Ummah where the obedient are praised and the disobedient humiliated, where enjoining goodness and forbidding evil are prevalent and where that banner of Sharia, justice, truth and dignity is flying high over our heads, Ameen.
And Allah knows best, He is enough for us, He is our protector, and upon Allah let the believers rely.