format_quote Originally Posted by
Hey ya'll I'm just curious as to whether or not those fake boyfriend apps like "Invisible Boyfriend" are haraam. You're not actually talking to a real person. It's fake, and virtual. Thoughts?
It would be considered as impermissible on two accounts:
1. Anything that leads to zina in its self is not allowed.
2. Despite the boyfriend being virtual - the effect on the person can or will be the same.
Example: A person commits zina (physical touching etc), then after that looks at a porn magazine, then after that watches porn in TV........All 3 is considered as zina even though the medium has changed. In other words, its only in the first instance that another person was there to do zina but yet the two to follow is still considered zina. The reason is because the effect is the same.
If you where to hypothetically consider a virtual b/f as halaal......then likewise a person watching porn on TV will make the same claim that it is just virtual because there is no REAL other person in the room.