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View Full Version : Regarding Hadiths

09-05-2006, 04:04 PM

How do you distinguish between a Daif and Shahih hadeeth? How am I to look at a hadith and know it is Shahih or Daif?

What is the ruling on Daif hadiths? is it right to disregard them completely?

jazak Allah Khair

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farzana aslam
09-05-2006, 04:08 PM
salaam ive never ever heard off Daif hadiths i think u should acknowledge the shahih hadith but i think ull be best to ask a learned scholoar

The Ruler
09-05-2006, 04:11 PM

usually at de end o a hadith, it says wetha de hadith is daif or hasan...n de narratoe n stuf...i dunno abt ne rulings o daif hadith tho :-\


Ibn al-Mubarak
09-05-2006, 04:34 PM
Hadith is a very subtle and complex subject. It is the second source of Shari'ah and not to be taken lightly. It is an explanation/running commentary bayan of the Quran which falls under the promise of Allah, 'And indeed we revealed the remembrance and We surely are its Protectors'.

There are many sciences and disciplines connected to hadith and one cannot expect to know the 'sahih' from the 'dai'f' without having learnt and mastered these numerous discplines, and, moreover, without even knowing what sahih and da'if means!

There is general consensus that both Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslims compilations are 100% sahih, although this doesn't mean that there are no other sahih compilations.

Hadith pertaining to ahkam, rules related to worhip, business dealings etc should not be read without a commentary and scholar, because it has to be read in context and you must know the history behind that one hadith; hadith similar to it, Quranic verses that correspond to it, what the scholars have said about it etc etc.

This is not to discourage you from reading ahadith, rather to make you aware that it cane be dangerous when readin ahadith related specifically to ahkam. Becaue you may find 'contradiction' hadith which confuse, but in reality they are not contradicting at all, it's just that your cursory reading of them have lead you to a haste decision.

That being said, its encouraged to read hadith pertaining to fada'il and manaqib, merits and virtues, and a substantial amount of these fall under the 'da'if' category.

The consensus is that weak hadiths are to be used in meritorius acts of devotion specifically. Imam Nawawi and Imam Sakhawi mentioned it in several of their works.

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09-05-2006, 04:35 PM
There is already another thread about this on the forum somewhere...

- Qatada -
09-05-2006, 04:42 PM

Obviously, you'll have to study usool al hadith (the sciences of hadith) to understand and class which hadith are authentic (saheeh) or da'eef (weak.) The scholars of hadith are called muhaditheen, and they class the hadith - to see whether it's saheeh or not. This might be through reading the narrators and the chain of narration, and see whether the people in the chain are trustworthy or not - this is done by using some rules to see the person's reliability.

Check this link out for some more info on the sciences of hadith insha'Allaah:


Allaah Almighty knows best


09-05-2006, 05:00 PM

I understand there maybe similiar threads to the one I am posting, but I find making a new thread the fastest way to get the answers i want.

for your help Jazak allah khair brothers and sisters.


09-06-2006, 02:48 AM
In the university...you have to take this course for one whole semester.

09-09-2006, 12:18 PM
As salaamu aalykum,

How do you distinguish the daaef hadeeth, I think it's already been answered, but you'll have to go back to the chain of the narraters like when you have in a hadeeth.. hadathanaa yahya , qaala hadathanaa , ibnu sura3ah ...etc
you look in kutub ar-rijaal .. like kitaab "Taqreeb At-Tahdeeb".. that is basically a dictionary of all the muhadditheen.. it states who is . Thiqqah(Reliable), Saduuq(Trustworthy), Khatthaab (Liar), Daeef..and etc

If the hadeeth is Daeef then Yeah you disregard them. although some hadeeth.. are daaef but then they're taken to rank of al-hasan, cause they might have something called shawaahid wal-mutaaba3aat!!
InshaAllah This will all become clear to you once you've studied it, some Ulamaah say it is very very important for the student of knowledge to study this... and I'd have to agree with them!!

If you have any more questions concerning this topic then please feel free to ask.

Allah Ma3ak :peace:

- Qatada -
09-09-2006, 12:20 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
shawaahid wal-mutaaba3aat

Can you explain that abit more? jazak Allaahu khayr in advance.

09-09-2006, 12:31 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

The shawaahid wal mutaaba3aat in arabic it means.. Evidences & Prosecutions.

Okay.. for instance you have a hadeeth that is Daeef, but then you have other hadeeths with the same meaning as it that is either hasan or Daeef...
What happens here and you might have heard scholars/shyukh or your taechers saying "Yarqiy ilaa darajat al-husn" / It rises to the rank of the hadeeth al-hasan..
So basically those hadeeth prove that this hadeeth is correct...

There are also other reasons as to why a hadeeth can go from daaef to al-hasan..

I hope you understood that Akhee!! :?

- Qatada -
09-09-2006, 12:40 PM

jazak Allaahu khayr.. i understand that now. the part that i find confusing is how one scholar may class a hadith as hasan and another may class it as da'eef, like i don't want to go into sect issues - but will different groups class certain people as trustworthy and another class them as liars?

Also, if a hadith is hasan for one person, and da'eef for another - how is a person supposed to know who is true or not? Do they have to study usool al hadith themselves, or ask some trustworthy muhaddith? Because i know alot of people who say that some scholars class something as da'eef, even though someone else may have classed it as hasan - then they say that this person did it on purpose because of sect issues etc.

jazak Allaah khayr for your help.


09-09-2006, 01:04 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

jazak Allaahu khayr.. i understand that now
Wa Iyyaak!

the part that i find confusing is how one scholar may class a hadith as hasan and another may class it as da'eef, like i don't want to go into sect issues - but will different groups class certain people as trustworthy and another class them as liars?
It isn't actually a secretarian issue when the scholars differ and all, it's more like they have their own views.. I've seen alot of scholars from the same sect have differences in this..
Like for Instance The Majhuul-Ayn.. the one that only has a name to him and nothing else, no history..etc..some Ulamaah say that this person is ranked as Daeef/weak because they say although this person could be trustworhty, reliable.. he could also be Daeef/Khathaab (Liar) so taking his hadeeth is a risk.
But then some Ulamah say that his hadeeth can be ranked to Al-hasan...

Also, if a hadith is hasan for one person, and da'eef for another - how is a person supposed to know who is true or not? Do they have to study usool al hadith themselves, or ask some trustworthy muhaddith?
Yes, I think that they should study "3ilm Al-Hadeeth" if not then they could ask A shiekh who is familiar with this topic..
Once you've studied it you can have your on view InshaAllah.. Like for the above example I completely agree with those who classify the Majhuul-ayn as Weak..

Because i know alot of people who say that some scholars class something as da'eef, even though someone else may have classed it as hasan - then they say that this person did it on purpose because of sect issues etc.
I've never heard of sect issue's in this... You'll find all different types of sects coming to an agreement on one thing..
It isn't like Aqeedah or Fiqh it's kinda different!!

I hope alls clear InshaAllah! :peace:

- Qatada -
09-09-2006, 01:14 PM

jazak Allaah khayr for your help sister. barak Allaahu feekum.


09-09-2006, 05:48 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

Wa Iyyaka Akhee!

09-10-2006, 12:41 AM
assalamu alaikum,

masha'allah, masha'allah!
i really loved it,:!:
may allah bless you for every knowledge you have shared with us.


Ibn al-Mubarak
09-10-2006, 10:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu aalykum,

How do you distinguish the daaef hadeeth, I think it's already been answered, but you'll have to go back to the chain of the narraters like when you have in a hadeeth.. hadathanaa yahya , qaala hadathanaa , ibnu sura3ah ...etc
you look in kutub ar-rijaal .. like kitaab "Tadreeb Ar-Raawiy".. that is basically a dictionary of all the muhadditheen.. it states who is . Thiqqah(Reliable), Saduuq(Trustworthy), Khatthaab (Liar), Daeef..and etc

If the hadeeth is Daeef then Yeah you disregard them. although some hadeeth.. are daaef but then they're taken to rank of al-hasan, cause they might have something called shawaahid wal-mutaaba3aat!!
InshaAllah This will all become clear to you once you've studied it, some Ulamaah say it is very very important for the student of knowledge to study this... and I'd have to agree with them!!

If you have any more questions concerning this topic then please feel free to ask.

Allah Ma3ak :peace:
The only tadrib al-rawi I'm aware of is by Imam al-Suyuti. Is that not not a sharh of Imam nawawis book on mustalah al hadith?

لعله خطأ خطي
و السلام

09-10-2006, 10:42 AM
As salaamu alaykum,

You got me thinking Akhee.. tadreeb ar-raawiy is a book on mutsalah yeah..by an-nawawi

true it's not the mu3jam ar-rijaal though is it!?

do you know of a mu3jam along those line of tadreeb something... tadreeb ar-rijaal ..there was quite a few Allahul Musta3an they seem to have completely slipped my mind..

JazakAllahu khayran Akhee

Ibn al-Mubarak
09-10-2006, 10:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu alaykum,

You got me thinking Akhee.. tadreeb ar-raawiy is a book on mutsalah yeah..by an-nawawi

true it's not the mu3jam ar-rijaal though is it!?

do you know of a mu3jam along those line of tadreeb something... tadreeb ar-rijaal ..there was quite a few Allahul Musta3an they seem to have completely slipped my mind..

JazakAllahu khayran Akhee
wa iyyakum

Well, like you know theres loads of Rijal books but I'm not sure which one you're referring to. Maybe taqrib al-tahdheeb of Ibn hajar al-Asqalani which is an abridgment of al-Mizzi's tahdhib al-Kamal.

Btw, how comes the Mulhat thread died so quickly? lol

09-10-2006, 10:56 AM
As salaamu alaykum,

Maybe taqrib al-tahdheeb of Ibn hajar al-Asqalani which is an abridgment of al-Mizzi's tahdhib al-Kamal.
That's the one I was trying to refer to.. "Taqreeb At-Tahdeeb" , tahdeeb al-kamaal has soo many volumes .. but an excellent book to do bahath from..

Btw, how comes the Mulhat thread died so quickly? lol

My sister's away for the weekend InshaAllah she'll be back on monday bi'idhnillah..
araaja3ta? As'alak al'aan law kanaa ladayka waqt inshaAllah?

JazakAllahu khayran for the tadkeer asmaa al-kutb

Ibn al-Mubarak
09-10-2006, 11:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu alaykum,

That's the one I was trying to refer to.. "Taqreeb At-Tahdeeb" , tahdeeb al-kamaal has soo many volumes .. but an excellent book to do bahath from..

My sister's away for the weekend InshaAllah she'll be back on monday bi'idhnillah..
araaja3ta? As'alak al'aan law kanaa ladayka waqt inshaAllah?

JazakAllahu khayran for the tadkeer asmaa al-kutb
ma fahimtuki jayyida ukthi, hal ta'neen in kuntu qara'tu al-dars wa fahimtuhu? idha kana qasduka hadha fa na'am, alhamdulillah..afwan in akhta'tu fi fahmi

09-10-2006, 11:12 AM
As salaamu alaykum,

La Ba's Akhee Kaana Qasdiy.... an natsa'al .. thumma dakkarrtu anna'naa ma zilna fil muqaddimah falaa haajat lanaa ilaa as'ilah wa ajwibah.. sah?

InshaAllah satastimirr ad-diraasah 3inda rujuu3 ukhtiy umm sulaim bi 3awnillahi ta3aalaa..

Ibn al-Mubarak
09-10-2006, 11:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu alaykum,

La Ba's Akhee Kaana Qasdiy.... an natsa'al .. thumma dakkarrtu anna'naa ma zilna fil muqaddimah falaa haajat lanaa ilaa as'ilah wa ajwibah.. sah?

InshaAllah sayastimirr ad-diraasah 3inda rujuu3 ukhtiy umm sulaim bi 3awnillahi ta3aalaa..

kutub al-rijal: http://www.almeshkat.com/books/list.php?cat=23 :)

Wassalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah.

09-10-2006, 11:25 AM
As salaamu alaykum,

:ooh: Ya Ilaahiy, That's a Wicked site TabarkAllah!!

Allahu Ya3lam Kam Uhibb hadhaal Maa'dah!?

JazakAllaahu khayr Ya Ibnal Mubaarak!! Your in my Duaahs Akhee, Saheeeh!!

Wa laakin, ayna adhab li'ishtiraa' al-programme winzip?

Ibn al-Mubarak
09-10-2006, 11:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu alaykum,

:ooh: Ya Ilaahiy, That's a Wicked site TabarkAllah!!

Allahu Ya3lam Kam Uhibb hadhaal Maa'dah!?

JazakAllaahu khayr Ya Ibnal Mubaarak!! Your in my Duaahs Akhee, Saheeeh!!

Wa laakin, ayna adhab li'ishtiraa' al-programme winzip?
wa iyyaki.

ana la a'rif awwal shay' an al-computer lol lakin yumkinuki al-husul ala al-barnamaj winzip majjanaa: http://www.download-it-free.com/winzip/ lakin la adree in kana hadha al-mawqi afdal min al-Baqi.

wa jazakillahu khayran fa inne Muhtaaj al-du'a!

09-10-2006, 11:45 AM
As salaamu alaykum,

Thanx for that link Akhee Sa'U'download'hu :mmokay: Al'aan InshaAllah :)

And once again.. JazakAllahu Khayr for the Info/links!! :thumbs_up

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