The Global Peace & Unity Project
Global Peace & Unity project is one of the biggest projects to be undertaken in the Muslim World, it is certainly the biggest technological project aimed at bringing Unity & Communication. This ultra hightech complex project is being headed by PCG Studios. We have been given authorisation from many organisations who have acknowledged our efforts to create this marvel.
- The Sheikhs of Regents Park Mosque.
- Tooting Mosque (Connected to a network of further 20 mosques).
- Kingston Mosque
- Muslim Association of Britain
- More...(This connects Thousands of Masjids and organisations and more, we have also had support from Al Muntada Al Islami Trust)
We feel that this endorsement is enough to have approval for such a network, we have the support of our spiritual leaders.
For those that are concerned, we have been contacted by various government sources (will not have participation on this intranet), we have also had interest shown by a foreign relations council (will not have any participation on the intranet also). This simply shows the power that such a project holds. This project aims to unite Muslims and have connection to every single Hub. This will encourage economics in the Muslim Community, Development, Education, Media and will allow every Muslim to access this powerful intranet. This is a costly project, of which much of the money will be generated through donations and our various projects, this will be the most power solutions for the current Muslim situation, helping unite in more than one way, and once again bringing our Scholars to the forefront of the Islamic world, making them the leaders once again and our source of knowledge, this is very important as our scholars hold much more knowledge about Islam it is for our scholars to help solve the misinformation within our communities.
Donate to this cause:
Before we go on to show more information, please donate towards this project. The donation area is located on the left to this text. The donation can be made monthly, or one off, weekly or as stated in the drop down list. Payments can be made through Paypal although if you would like to do a bank transfer for larger sums please contact us first using the contact form. This project is not funded any other way other than donations & the services we offer.
An information network model to connect Muslims nationally and internationally, bringing the scholars to the front and recreating a communication platform to target and reach the Muslim youth, bringing them back to the roots of Islam, with scholarly guidance.
Statement of Problem & Need
The current problem is communication, the lack of communication between the scholars of Islam and the youth that are increasingly being separated into groups, some going towards unlawful things, and some leaving the true path of Islam. For many years the Muslims have remained disunited, but with the technology we have available and if used properly in the right hands, with the correct frame of mind, we are set to change this. By creating a media front and a communication network we will be able to have a march larger voice, as well as uniting the Muslims. This should not be limited to the south east, but it should be national and eventually international.
- The objective of this project is to create a network that connects the mosques and Islamic institutions onto one intranet.
- The outcome of this project will be beneficial to the while Muslim community, not only will it be a communication network but we will also be creating an online economical field which will be open to all of the members on the Muslim network. This will all help to boycotting Israel as we will be encouraging trade within the Muslim Community this will be encouraged to go into the mainstream industry as well.
- To have a network with the scholars, this will help give the truth message of Islam, not only connecting to the youth of Islam but also to the Non-Muslims.
- The network will be used as a media front, as well as a method of getting the Muslim community more involved in Islam, media and the economy.
- The network will have an online educational system with interactive materials for any Muslim to learn from, from basic level to professional skills.
This network will give many benefits in terms of features the benefits will be for:
- Communication
- Education
- Economics & Business
- Boycott of illegal states
- Connection to every masjid
- Media
- There are many benefits to businessmen, the youth and to Muslims overall.
To fund this project
please donate to support us. You can alternatively encourage our services to be used, from web development, Graphic Design to selling our Posters and cards, we provide all kinds of solutions for your business.
Support Us
To support us, you can donate or promote our services, you can put these banners on your website:
Help yourself, by helping us.
We also offer bulk sales of our posters and cards, we have a minimum order of 100 per unit, we can sell these at reduced prices to you, we can sell the A3 posters in bulk at 2 pound each, where you can retail these at a higher rate, you can sell these outside your local masjid of at local events. This way we can pay for the costs of the network whilst you also can make money.
Earn 20% of our sales
If you are a web master and can help generate sales for us, in our posters, we will be giving 20% of our sales and distributing the profits amoungst those that help us. If you would like to do this then please email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it where we will show you how to get started, these sales will be collected after January 2008. And distributed amongst our helpers. This does not only apply to webmasters, but also if you are an individual and can advertise us in your local masjid, and generate sales of our products, you can also earn from this.
Link to us on forums, web sites, email your friend, family and more, we need your support: