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It does refer to Talk, or more specificaly a calligraphic rendering of a Surah, Hadith, or Shahada.
Here is a typical one:
Often the when a person says the Shahdah in front of witnesses it is referred to as the Kalimah, or the "Saying of the word"
"Kalimah" is not "saying of the word" but sentence/words arangement. And not only for ayaah in Qur'an, sentences in our words or in texts in books/newspapers are Kalimah. But there are special sentences that called "Kalimah Thoyibah" (beautiful sentences) like ayaah in Qur'an.
Saying of the word like saying Shahadah or saying promise is "Iqrar", originally from "Iqra" (recite, but not read only)