Hello everybody ,hope you all are well. Here we present a tasbih counter for you .
By this tasbeeh counter , you can read and can also count your tasbih as well.
This is the easiest way to count your tasbih on your phone.
In today’s fast world we are very busy engaged in work so that we don’t have time to remember Allah.

The easiest way to remember Allah is to recite any of his name through a tasbeeh but many of us don’t have a peaceful time for the resemblance of Allah .
We are excited to introduce our digital tasbeeh counter to you . by this digital acquired tasbeeh counter you can easily remember Allah at any place without a real tasbeeh
Because you don’t have to bring a real tasbeeh for your recitation .
The recitation of a tasbeeh for Allah is an easy and attractive way to remember Allah and he is very close to him or her who remembers him through the recitation of his names and kalimat.