There is large scale satanic activity taking place in Birmingham, UK. Many people have been afflicted by direct and overt satanic whispers and are under the control of Satan. Satan deceives them into thinking evil is good by whispering the person should inform their family members of his private conversation so that he doesn't have to afflict them with satanic whispers. Using this simple technique he tricks the person into lowering their spiritual shield. Allah (swt) says in the Quran whenever you hear the whisper of Satan you should take refuge in him and never act upon the whisper no matter how persistent. Using similar temptations he deceives people into doing his will but uses them as psychological tools to induce fear and isolation in people who do not fall for his tricks and remain faithful to Allah. Everyone who reads this should tell as many people as possible so that they can avoid Satan's trap and notify their mosques to set up an alert system where people can notify everyone that Satan is actively engaged in a plot against people of faith and should take the necessary action to set up the mosque as a physical refuge for people suffering from psychological trauma due to Satans whispers, congregational prayers and educate people.