Asalamualaikum I wanted some advice or any help inshallah,I am currently in a very bad situation and struggling walahi alot,I am changing my life and alhamdulillah I have been praying 5 times a day and try to wake fo tahajjud,I have left bad company and the life I was living and for that last 5 months walahi u have been struggling financially so bad,this month has gotten so bad walahi I dint have £1 to my name I do not no where wi will get my next meal from and have money due out for bills totaling £200 which I can not cover,I currently am not working due to mental health condition and i am waiting for a universal credit to award me this I currently receive £300 a month and due to my rent food and help8ng a family member I am struggling so bad ,I already suffer with mental health and this everyday is so hard to wake up and get up as I have nothing to do nothing to lool forward too and stress and bills that are due.i am in very bad situation and just wanted to see if anybody know any help I can get or if could help me inshallah.jazakallah