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Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Uma Rayanah's Avatar Full Member
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    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    ~*I hope u r all in da best state of health 'N' iman inshallah*~

    I thought I'd start up a thread whereby you could share with us all who amongst the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) is your favourite. You could post up their story and your reasons why you like them so much.

    Look forward to hearing from you all.

    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Remember... Allah, subhana watala, sees everything we do!
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    Uma Rayanah's Avatar Full Member
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    My favorites is

    'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Radhia Allahu 'anhu.

    Although I always find it so difficult to list -a favourite sahabi- because ma sha Allah every sahabi has a wonderful inspiring and faith strengthening story.
    Here is the story:

    `Umar ibn al-Khattab ibn Nufayl ibn `Abd al-`Uzza ibn Rayyah, Shaykh al-Islam, Amir al-Mu’minin, Abu Hafs al-Qurashi al-`Adawi al-Faruq (d. 23). Among the Companions who narrated from him: `Ali, Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas, Abu Hurayra, and especially his son Ibn `Umar upon whose narrations Malik relied in his Muwatta’. He was described as fair-skinned with some reddishness, tall with a large build, fast-paced, and a skilled fighter and horseman. He embraced Islam after having fought it, in the year 6 of the Prophethood, at age twenty-seven. This was the result of the Prophet’s explicit supplication: "O Allah! Strengthen Islam with `Umar ibn al-Khattab." In his time Islam entered Egypt, Syria, Sijistan, Persia, and other regions. He died a martyr, stabbed in the back while at prayer by a Sabean or Zoroastrian slave, at sixty-six years of age.

    `Umar al-Faruq was second only to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq in closeness to and approval from the Prophet. The latter said: "I have two ministers from the inhabitants of the heaven and two ministers from the inhabitants of the earth. The former are Jibril and Mika’il, and the latter are Abu Bakr and `Umar." He said of the latter: "These two are [my] hearing and eyesight" and instructed the Companions: "Follow those that come after me: Abu Bakr and `Umar."

    `Umar was given the gift of true inspiration which is the characteristic of Allah’s Friends named kashf or "unveiling." The Prophet said: "In the nations long before you were people who were spoken to [by the angels] although they were not prophets. If there is anyone of them in my Community, truly it is `Umar ibn al-Khattab." This narration is elucidated by the two narrations whereby "Allah has engraved truth on the tongue of `Umar and his heart" and "If there were a Prophet after me verily it would be `Umar." Al-Tirmidhi said that according to Ibn `Uyayna "spoken to" (muhaddathûn) means "made to understand" (mufahhamûn), while in his narration Muslim added: "Ibn Wahb explained ‘spoken to’ as ‘inspired’ (mulham)." This is the majority’s opinion according to Ibn Hajar who said: "‘Spoken to’ means ‘by the angels’." Al-Nawawi and Ibn Hajar said respectively in Sharh Sahih Muslim and Fath al-Bari:

    The scholars have differed concerning "spoken to." Ibn Wahb said it meant "inspired" (mulham). It was said also: "Those who are right, and when they give an opinion it is as if they were spoken to, and then they give their opinion. It was said also: "The angels speak to them..." Bukhari said: "Truth comes from their tongues." This hadith contains a confirmation of the miracles of the saints (karâmât al-awliya).

    The one among [Muslims] who is "spoken to," if his existence is ascertained, what befalls him is not used as basis for a legal judgment, rather he is obliged to evaluate it with the Qur’an, and if it conforms to it or to the Sunna, he acts upon it, otherwise he leaves it.

    A claim was raised that since the hadith states "If there is anyone in my Umma, it is `Umar," it must follow that at most the number of such inspired people is at most one, namely `Umar. Ibn Hajar replied to this with the reminder that it is wrong to think that other Communities had many but this Community only one. Thus what is meant by the hadith is the perfection of the quality of ilhâm û inspiration û in `Umar, not its lack in other Muslims, and Allah knows best.

    `Umar also had the unique distinction of having his views confirmed by the revelation in the Holy Qur’an: He said three things which were confirmed by subsequent revelations:
    I concurred with my Lord in three matters: I said to the Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah! Why do we not pray behind Ibrahim’s Station?" Whereupon was revealed the verse: ". . . Take as your place of worship the place where Ibrahim stood (to pray). . ." (2:125); I said: "O Messenger of Allah! You should order your wives to cover because both the chaste and the wicked go in to see them," whereupon was revealed the verse: "... And when you ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) anything, ask it of them from behind a curtain. . ." (33:53) Then the Prophet’s wives banded together in their jealousy over him, so I said to them: "It may happen that his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him instead wives better than you, [submissive (to Allah), believing, pious, penitent, inclined to fasting, widows and maids]." (67:5) Whereupon was revealed that verse.

    He was unique in his power of separating truth from falsehood and the Prophet conferred on him the title of al-Fârûq, saying: "In truth, the devil certainly parts ways with (layafruqu min) `Umar." He memorized Sura al-Baqara in twelve years, and when he had learned it completely he slaughtered a camel. Imam Malik stated that on his suggestion the words "I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" were added to the adhân, and likewise the words "Prayer is better than Sleep" to the adhân for the dawn prayer. However, the more correct report is that it is Bilal who first inserted the latter formula in the call to the dawn prayer and the Prophet retained it.

    `Umar ibn al-Khattab was the first Muslim ruler to establish a Public Treasury; the first Muslim ruler to levy a customs duty named `ushr; the first Muslim ruler to organize a census; the first Muslim ruler to strike coins; the first Muslim ruler to organize a system of canals for irrigation; and the first Muslim ruler to formally organize provinces, cities, and districts. He established the system of guest-houses and rest-houses on major routes to and from major cities. He established schools throughout the land and allocated liberal salaries for teachers. He was the first to prohibit mut`a or temporary marriage, according to the Prophet’s earlier prohibition. He was the first to place the law of inheritance on a firm basis. He was the first to establish trusts, and the first ruler in history to separate the judiciary from the executive.

    He took pains to provide effective and speedy justice for the people. He set up an effective system of judicial administration under which justice was administered according to the principles of Islam. Qadis or judges were appointed at all administrative levels for the administration of justice and were chosen for their integrity and learning in Islamic law. High salaries were paid to them and they were appointed from the among the wealthy and those of high social standing so as not to be influenced by the social position of any litigants. The qadis were not allowed to engage in trade.

    From time to time, `Umar used to issue firmans or edicts laying down the principles for the administration of justice. One of his firmans read:

    Glory to Allah! Verily Justice is an important obligation to Allah and to man. You have been charged with this responsibility. Discharge this responsibility so that you may win the approbation of Allah and the good will of the people. Treat the people equally in your presence, and in your decisions, so that the weak despair not of justice, and the high-placed harbor no hope of favoritism. The onus of proof lies on the plaintiff, while the party who denies must do so on oath. Compromise is permissible, provided that it does not turn the unlawful into something lawful, and the lawful into something unlawful. Let nothing prevent you from changing your previous decision if after consideration you feel that the previous decision was incorrect. When you are in doubt about a question and find nothing concerning it in the Qur’an or the Sunna of the Prophet, ponder the question over and over again. Ponder over the precedents and analogous cases, and then decide by analogy. A term should be fixed for the person who wants to produce witnesses. If he proves his case, discharge for him his right. Otherwise the suit should be dismissed. All Muslims are trustworthy, except those who have been punished with flogging, those who have borne false witness, or those of doubtful integrity.

    One day Abu Musa al-Ash`ari, the governor of Basra at the time, wrote to `Umar complaining that the ordinances, instructions, and letters from the Caliph were undated and therefore gave rise to problems linked to the sequence of their implementation. Because of this and other similar problems of undatedness, `Umar convened an assembly of scholars and advisors to consider the question of calendar reforms. The deliberations of this assembly resulted in the combined opinion that Muslims should have a calendar of their own. The point that was next considered was from when should the new Muslim calendar era begin. Some suggested that the era should begin from the birth of the Prophet while others suggested that it should begin from the time of his death. `Ali suggested that the era should begin from the date the Muslims migrated from Mecca to Madina, and this was agreed upon. The next question considered was the month from which the new era should start. Some suggested that it should start from the month of Rabi` al-Awwal, some from Rajab, others from Ramadan, others from Dhu al-Hijja. `Uthman suggested that the new era should start from the month of Muharram because that was the first month in the Arabic calendar of that time. This was agreed upon. Since the Migration had taken place in the month of Rabi` al-Awwal, two months and eight days after the first of Muharram that year, the date was pushed back by two months and eight days, and the new Hijri calendar began with the first day of Muharram in the year of the Migration rather than from the actual date of the Migration.

    `Umar was the first Muslim ruler to levy `ushr, the Customs or Import Duty. It was levied on the goods of the traders of other countries who chose to trade in the Muslim dominions, at up to 10% of the goods imported and on a reciprocal basis. `Ushr was levied in a way to avoid hardships, and only on merchandise meant for sale, not goods imported for consumption or for personal use. Goods valued at two hundred dirhams or less were not subject to `ushr. Instructions were issued to the officials that no personal luggage was to be searched, and `ushr was applied only to goods that were declared as being for the purpose of trade. The rate varied for Muslim and non-Muslim citizens of the Muslim dominions. If the former imported goods for the purpose of trade, they paid a lower rate of `ushr: 2+ % , that is, the same rate as for zakât. Hence, this was regarded as part of the zakât and not as a separate tax. Dhimmis or non-Muslim citizens of the Muslim dominions who imported goods for the purpose of trade paid a `ushr of 5%. In order to avoid double taxation, it was established that if the `ushr had been paid once on imported goods, and then these goods were subsequently taken abroad and then brought back into the Muslim dominions within the same year, no additional `ushr was to be levied on such re-imported goods.

    Some among `Umar’s innovations mentioned in Abu Hilal al-`Askari’s Kitab al-Awa’il ("Book of Firsts") and Tabari’s Tarikh:

    Establishment of Bayt al-mâl or public treasury.

    Establishment of courts of justice and appointment of judges.

    The determination of the Hijra calendar which continues to this day.

    Assumption of the title of Amîr al-Mu’minîn.

    Organization of the War Department.

    Putting army reserves on the payroll.

    Establishment of the Land Revenue Department.

    Survey and assessment of lands.


    Building of Canals.

    Founding of the cities of Kufa, Basra, al-Jazira, Fustat, and Musal.

    Division of conquered countries into provinces.

    Imposition of customs duties.

    Taxation of the produce of the sea and appointment of officials for its collection.

    Permission to traders of foreign lands to trade in the country.

    Organization of jails.

    Use of the whip.

    Making rounds at night to inquire into the condition of the people.

    Organization of the Police Department.

    Establishment of military barracks at strategic points.

    Distinction of pedigree and non-pedigree horses.

    Employment of secret reports and emissaries.

    Rest-houses on the way from Mecca to Madina for the comfort of travellers.

    Provision for the care and bringing up of foundlings.

    Organization of guest-houses in different cities.

    The ruling that Arabs, whether Muslims or non-Muslims, could not be made slaves.

    Stipends for the poor among the Jews and the Christians.

    Establishment of schools.

    Stipends for school teachers and public lecturers.

    Persuading Abu Bakr to collect the Qur’an and execution of the work under his own care.

    Formulation of the principle of qiyâs or judicial analogy.

    More exact division of inheritance.

    Insertion of the formula "Prayer is better that sleep" in the call to the dawn prayer. However, as stated before, the more correct report is that it is Bilal who first inserted the formula in the call to the dawn prayer and the Prophet retained it.

    Ordaining the holding of tarawih prayers in congregation.

    Three divorces pronounced at one session declared binding

    Provision of the punishment for drunkenness with eighty stripes

    Levy of zakât on horses of merchandise

    Levy of zakât on the Christians of Bani Taghlab in lieu of jizya

    Method of rnaking trusts

    Consensus of opinion on four takbîrs in funeral prayers

    Organization of sermons in mosques

    Giving salaries to imams and mu’adhdhins.

    Provision of light in mosques at night

    Provision of punishment for writing satires and lampoons

    Probibition of the mention of women’s names in lyric poems although the custom was very ancient in Arabia.

    `Abd Allah ibn `Isa ibn Abi Layla related: "There were two dark lines in `Umar’s face marked by tears." Al-Hasan al-Basri and Hisham ibn al-Hasan narrated that `Umar sometimes lost consciousness after reciting a verse from the Qur’an, whereupon he would be taken ill and visited for days. Among `Umar’s sayings:

    "O Allah! Grant me to die a martyr, and make my death be in your Prophet’s country."

    "Take account of yourselves before your are brought to account."

    Anas said: "I heard `Umar say as he was alone behind a wall: ‘By Allah! You shall certainly fear Allah, O son of al-Khattab, or He will punish you!"

    Jabir said that he heard `Umar ibn al-Khattab say on the pulpit when he married Umm Kulthum, the daughter of `Ali and Fatima: "Do not disparage me [for marrying a young girl], for I heard the Prophet say: ‘On the Judgment Day every means will be cut off and every lineage severed except my lineage.’" He desired to place himself in the Prophet’s lineage through this marriage due to the precedence of Ahl al-Bayt in the Prophet’s intercession. Umm Kulthum bore him two children, Zayd and Ruqayya.

    From `Amir ibn Rabi`a: "I saw `Umar pick up a straw from the ground and say: ‘Would that I were this straw! Would that I were nothing! Would that my mother never bore me!’"

    From `Ubayd Allah ibn `Umar ibn Hafs: `Umar was see carrying a slaughtered animal on his back. He was asked why, and he replied: "I was infatuated with myself and wanted to humble myself." Al-Hasan narrated: "`Umar gave a sermon when he was Caliph wearing a waist-wrap patched in twelve places."

    As `Umar’s head lay in Ibn `Umar’s lap after his stabbing he said to him: "Lay my cheek on the ground." Then he said: "Woe to me, my mother’s woe to me if my Lord does not grant me mercy!" The next morning al-Miswar woke him for the dawn prayer. `Umar rose saying: "Yes, and there is no part in Islam for whoever leaves prayer." He prayed bleeding from his wounds.

    From Malik al-Dar: The people suffered a drought in `Umar’s khilafa, whereupon a man came to the grave of the Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah! Ask for rain for your Community, for verily they have but perished." After this the Prophet appeared to him in a dream and told him: "Go to `Umar and give him my greeting, then tell him that they will be watered. Tell him: Be clever!" The man went and told `Umar. The latter said: "My Lord! I spare no effort except in what escapes my power."

    From Mujahid: "We found that the goodness of our lives was patience."

    From `Urwa ibn al-Zubayr: "Know that greed is poverty and despair sufficiency. When a man despairs of something, he does without it."

    From al-Sha`bi: "By Allah! My heart has softened for Allah’s sake until it became softer than butter, and it has hardened for Allah’s sake until it became harder than stone."

    From `Awn ibn `Abd Allah ibn `Utba: "Sit with the Oft-Repentent (al-tawwâbîn), for they are the softest-hearted of people."

    From Aslam, `Umar’s freedman: "Be the vessels of the Book and the well-springs of the Science, and ask Allah for your sustenance day by day."

    From Abu `Uthman al-Nahdi: "Winter is the treasure of devotees."

    From Dawud ibn `Ali: "If a sheep dies on the shore of the Euphrates I fear lest Allah ask me to account for it on the Day of Resurrection."

    From Yahya ibn Abi Kathir: "If it were announced from the heaven: ‘O people! You are all entering Paradise except one,’ I would fear to be he; and if it were announced: ‘O people! You are all entering the Fire except one,’ I would hope to be he."

    From al-Aswad ibn Hilal al-Muharibi: When `Umar was made Caliph he stood on the pulpit and said: "O people! I am going to invoke Allah, therefore say âmîn. O Allah! I am coarse, so make me soft, and I am stingy, so make me generous, and I am weak, so make me strong."

    From `Abd Allah ibn `Umar: "[After `Umar’s death] I saw a palace in my sleep, and was told it belonged to `Umar ibn al-Khattab. Then I saw him come out of it, wearing a cover as if he had just bathed. I said: ‘How did you fare?’ He said: ‘Well, although I would have fallen from my place if I had not found a forgiving Lord.’ Then he asked: ‘How long since I have left you?’ I said: ‘Twelve years.’ He said: ‘I only just finished rendering account.’"

    `Umar was the closed door between the Prophet’s Community and the onset of dissension. His death is one of the earliest signs of the Hour. One day he asked Hudhayfa about the "dissension that shall surge like the waves of the sea" according to the Prophet’s own terms. Hudhayfa answered: "You need not worry about it, for between you and it there is a gate closed shut." `Umar said: "Will the gate be opened or broken?" Hudhayfa said: "Broken!" `Umar replied: "That is more appropriate than that it be let open." The narrator [Abu Wa’il] said: "We feared to ask Hudhayfa who was that gate, so we sent Masruq to ask him and he said: That gate was `Umar."

    Main sources: Abu Nu`aym, Hilya al-Awliya’ 1:73-92; al-Dhahabi, Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’ 1/2:509-565 #3; Shibli Nu`mani, `Umar The Great 2:336-338.
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Uma Rayanah's Avatar Full Member
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    ~*I hope u r all in da best state of health 'N' iman inshallah*~

    I was reading a book Masha Allah it's AMAZING!! It's called "Those Promised Paradise" and it talks of all the sahabas (male and female) who were promised paradise by Rasulallah (salallahu alayhi wassalam) Each sahaba had a quote on their page, and in Umar bin Khattab (RA)'s story the quote that was said by Rasulallah (salallahu alayhi wassalam) was:

    "If there was to be a prophet after me, it would be Umar" (sahih)

    Subhanallah, this was soo touching!!! Also, Umar RA's story talked about the dream Aisha RA had in which 3 moons were buried in her house (the masjid back then) [If I recalled right], later she found out the dream meant that the 3 best men of the world would be buried in that house..Subhanallah, the Prophet (SAW), Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar bin Khattab were buried there! That was heartfelt, SUBHANALLAH!!!!

    ---Anyway my favorite are many..can't remember them all but I like: Abu Bakr, Umar, Sumayya (first martyr), Hamza, and many many more!! Of course, I admire ALL of them because they are the best of the BEST examples after the prophet (salallahu alayhi wassalam) that we should follow in the footsteps

    May Allah (swt) give us the hidaya to follow in their footsteps and follow the Qur'an and Sunnah, Ameen

    What about uz sisz and broz...
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    WomanOfJihad's Avatar Full Member
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    intersting thread ..Sis in Islam..
    SubhanAllah, indeed al the Sahabahs were EXCELLENT, they all inspire us in their own ways .. like Hadhrat Umar r.a he was such a FIGHTER, and every1 were scared of him .. Even the SHAYTAN used to run away from him .. SubhanAllah ..

    Sumeyya R.A. the First Woman to be Martyred in ISLAM.. she Bared all the Torturessss ... but never gave up her REligion ..(SubhanAllah) .. likewise Hadhrat Bilal r.a ..The Tortures he has been Through.. wuld bring tears in our eyes ..n there r many other Sahabahs who sacrificed soo much Just for ISLAM .. n there were also other Great sahabahs who became SHIELDS for our Beloved Prophet s.a.w. in the time of Battles ..just shows the TRUE LOVE they had of our Nabi. that they were ready to give up their lives .. ( SubhanAllah ) .. n therer lots of other things they did for which we admire them ....

    *Refer to the BIOGRAPHY thread , n there shud b amazing stories of the Sahabahs *
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    The Prophet said, "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives (from Allah)."
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    I dont like choosing favourites because all the sahaba (ra) where the best muslims and if only we could have one with us now how good of an example and way forward to help sorting the muslims out. But Uthman (ra) is one who I like by his manners, bravery and the way the prophet (swh) treated him also Umar (ra) who the prophet (swh) is reported to have said if Allah (SWT) was to send a prophet after me it would be Umar (ra). Lastly there is a scholar from the sahahba who was the greatest there ever will be and of the time of his death the throne of Allah (SWT) was reported to shake, I dont know his name so if someone knows post it up, but this shows of how great a man this scholar was and how loved he was by Allah (SWT)

    Inshallah Allah (SWT) gathers us with our Prophet (SWH), all the Prophets (pbut), all the respected sahahba (ra) and all the righteous muslims on the day when mankind will be raised up. Ameen.
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    "Lo! the Hour is surely coming, there is no doubt thereof; yet most of mankind believe not." (Al-Ghafir:59)
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    Inshallah Allah (SWT) gathers us with our Prophet (SWH), all the Prophets (pbut), all the respected sahahba (ra) and all the righteous muslims on the day when mankind will be raised up. Ameen.
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    The Prophet said, "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives (from Allah)."
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  9. #7
    Uma Rayanah's Avatar Full Member
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    format_quote Originally Posted by WomanOfJihad

    Tumhaa Ameen Ameen,...
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Remember... Allah, subhana watala, sees everything we do!
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  10. #8
    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Hmm ....theres sooooooo many of them that i love...

    Aisha Her knowledge subhanallah was sooo great and as a sister she my role modle, i aim to be like her but of cuz my iman will never reach as high as hers!
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  11. #9
    Uma Rayanah's Avatar Full Member
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    format_quote Originally Posted by ProudMuslimah
    Hmm ....theres sooooooo many of them that i love...

    Aisha Her knowledge subhanallah was sooo great and as a sister she my role modle, i aim to be like her but of cuz my iman will never reach as high as hers!

    Siss Allah knows da best.. who knowz.. u might be in da same place with her,, inshallah.. and me ,,, and all muslimz inshallah
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Remember... Allah, subhana watala, sees everything we do!
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  13. #10
    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Insha Allah sis!
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  14. #11
    Brother_Mujahid's Avatar Full Member
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    khalid bin waleed (ra) - his biography speaks for itself. a man of honour, bravery and the fear of no men but the fear of Allah.
    Abu Hurairah (ra) - hes collected the most hadith...... alot of hadith are narrated by him.
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    I thought I'd bring this topic up since a member was asking for your favourite person in history, and if anyone wants to speak about a sahaba, they can do it here Insha'Allaah...

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  16. #13
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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Assalamo alikum my dear brothers and sisters:

    All the Sahaba were great personalities who acknowledged the call of Islam and believed (in Allah and his Messenger) from the bottom of their hearts. They were the people who gave their hands in the hands of the messenger of Allah (SAW) and sacrificed their lives, wealth and families willingly at his command.

    Obviously we are in no position to choose a favourite from the illustrious companions but the Sahabi who was most exalted by Allah and his messenger (SAW) was Abu bakr (RA).

    Starting Life
    "No one has been a better companion to me than Abu Bakr," said the holy Prophet in his last sermon.
    A great reward indeed! Abu Bakr had earned it. All his life he stood by the side of the Prophet. He did not care for his life. He did not care for his riches. He did not care for what others said about him. His only ambition was to serve the Prophet more than anyone else. The cost did not matter. The ambition was fulfilled. And Abu Bakr got his reward in full. The Messenger of Allah was well pleased with him. He gave him the first place among the Companions. Abu Bakr was to be the first man to fill the place of the Prophet. He was also to lie in eternal rest by the prophet's side.

    Abu Bakr was two years younger than the Prophet. His parents named him Abdul Kaaba, which means the servant of the Kaaba. When he became a Muslim, the Prophet changed his pagan name to Abdullah. Howevr, in early youth he had adopted the surname of Abu Bakr. He had come to be known by this name among people. Even to this day, the world generally knows him as Abu Bakr.

    The name of Abu Bakr's father was Uthman, but he was known as Abu Qahafa. Salma was Abu Bakr's mother. She was also known as Umm-ul-Khair. Abu Bakr belonged to a branch of the Quraish.

    From early years, Abu Bakr was known for good and upright nature. He was honest and truthful. He came of a noble family. These things won him respect among the people. His goodness also won him the friendship of young Muhammad (Peace be Upon him). The two became fast friends in early boyhood. The friendship was to prove lifelong and history-making.

    When he grew up, Abu Bakr became a rich merchant. But he used to be very kind-hearted. When he saw someone in trouble, his heart melted. He did his best to help him. If his money could remove suffering, he did not care home much he had to spend. Once he gave away thirty-five dirhams out of his total fortune of forty thousand. He was so honest in his dealings that people kept their money with him. Above all, Abu Bakr had a sincere heart and a firm will. Nothing could stop him from doing what he thought was the right thing to do.

    These great qualities were soon to serve the noblest cause known to the world. Abu Bakr was to become the strongest supporter of the Redeemer of mankind. He was to become the first among the Companions. He was to make Arabia and thereby the world safe for Islam after the Prophet has passed away.

    Service to the Prophet First among Men
    Abu Bakr was always very close to the holy Prophet. He knew him better than any other man. He knew how honest and upright his friend had always been. So he was the first among men to believe in the Prophet's mission. He was the first adult male to accept Islam. After the first revalation, the holy Prophet told him what had happened at Mount Hira. He told him that Allah had made him His Messenger. Abu Bakr did not stop to think. He at once became a Muslim. Once the holy Prphet himself remarked, "I called people to Islam. Everybody thought over it, at least for a while. But this was not the case with Abu Bakr. The moment I put Islam before him, he accepted it without any hesitation."

    Abu Bakr did more than that. As soon as he became a Muslim, he began to preach Islam to others. He had many friends. The friends knew that Abu Bakr was sincere and truthful. They knew he would never support a wrong cause. He called them to Islam and they became Muslims. Among them were men like Uthman, Zubair, Talha, Abdur Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Waqqas. These men later became the pillars of Islam.

    The holy Prophet called at Abu Bakr's house every day. The two sad down and thought out ways of spreading Islam. Together they went to people and places and delivered the message of Allah. Wherever the holy Prophet went, Abu Bakr went with him.

    Risks His Life

    The messge of Islam made the people of Mecca very angry. The idols were their gods. The holy Prophet openly mocked at these gods. He declared they could do neither any good nore harm. Among the chiefs of Mecca was one Abu Jahl. He became the greatest enemy of the holy Prophet. He was always on the lookout to hurt him or even kill him, if he could. Abu Bakr kept an eye on this man, lest he should do a grave harm to Islam.

    One day the holy Prophet was saying his prayers in the Kaaba. He was totally lost in the thoughts of Allah. Abu Jahl and some other chiefs of Mecca were sitting in the courtyard of the Kaaba. "I must finish with Muhammad today," said Abu Jahl. So saying, he took a long piece of cloth. He put it around the holy Prophet's neck. Then he twisted it hard. He was going to strangle the Messenger of Allah to death. The other chiefs looked on and laughed.

    Abu Bakr happened to see this from a distance. He at once ran to the help of the Prophet. He pushed Abu Jahl aside and took off the cloth from around the holy Prophet's neck. Thereupon Abu Jahl and other enemies of Islam came down upon Abu Bakr. They beat him very much. Indeed, the beating was so severe that Abu Bakr fell down senseless. He was carried home. He could not regain his senses till after several hours. And when he did come to himself, the first question he asked was, "Is the Prophet un-hurt?" Abu Bakr did not care for his own suffering. He was glad that he was able to save the Prophet's life. Abu Bakr knew full well that if any harm came to the Prophet, the only hope of mankind would be gone. This made him risk everything he held dear, for the safety of the Prophet and for the spread of his message.

    Liberation of Slaves
    As years went by, the people of Mecca became more and more hard upon the Muslims. They made life difficult for them. Muslim slaves who had non-Muslim masters were the worst sufferers. They could not run away from their cruel masters, nor would they give up their faith. The heartless masters tried all kinds of torture to make them give up Islam. They made them lie, all naked, on burning sand. Then they put big stones on their chests. The poor slaves silently bore this all. They had no way of escape. Some of them found escape only in death.

    Abu Bakr's wealth came to the rescue of many helpless Muslim slaves. He bought them from their inhuman masters and set them free. Bilal, the negro, was one of such slaves. He was the slave of Omayya bin Khalaf. Omayya was a heartless man. He would strip Bilal of all clothes, make him lie on the burning sand at mid-day and then lash him mercilessly. Despite this torture Bilal would go on saying, "Allah is one! Allah is one!" One day Abu Bakf happened to pass by. He was greatly moved by the sight. "Why are you so cruel to this helpless man?" he asked Omayya. "If you feel for him, why don't you buy him?" retored Omayya. So Abu Bakr at once bought Bilal at a heavy price and set him free. Bilal afterwards became the well-known "Muazzin" [ one who gives the call for prayer ] at the Prophet's Mosque.

    Migration to Abyssinia
    When Muslims found life difficult at Mecca, they thought of going to some other land. With the permission of the holy Prophet, a part of them went to Abyssinia. here they lived in peace. So many more Muslims followed them.

    Being the first man to go over to Islam, Abu Bakr had brought upon himself the special anger and hatred of the Meccan chiefs. Soon he felt hard pressed and asked permission of the Holy Prophet to go to Abyssinia. The permission was granted and Abu Bakr set off on his journey.

    On the way he met the chief of Qara, Ibn-ud-Daghna. "What place are you bound for, Abu Bakr?" he asked.

    "The people of Mecca have cast me out," replied Abu Bakr. "I am going to Abyssinia. There I will be able to worship the Lord the way I want to."

    "A man like you should not be cast out," said Ibn-ud-Daghna. "You help the poor. You are kind to those in trouble. You are so nice to your guests. I will take you back to Mecca on my own responsibility."

    So Abu Bakr ws back at Mecca. Ibn-ud-Daghna declared to the people that Abu Bakr was under his protection, so no one was to harm him. The Meccans said that they would let Abu Bakr alone, only if he did not preach his faith publicly.

    Abu Bakr could not act on this condition very long. Soon he was preaching Islam as openly as ever. The Meccans complained to Ibn-ud-Daghna. He requested Abu Bakr not to make his position difficult. To this Abu Bakr replied, "I do not need your protection. Allah is enough for me."

    The Title of "Siddiq"
    I n the tenth year of his mission, the holy Prophet had the Miraj of Ascension. One night the angel Gabriel came with the word that Allah the Almighty wanted the holy Prophet to come all the way up to the highest heaven. The holy Prophet undertook the journey.

    In the morning, after the ascension had taken place, the holy Prophet talked to people about the Miraj. This drew the jeers of his enemies.

    "Look!" the howled out, "what nonsense he talks! Surely, now his followers too will laugh at him. Who is going to believe in such a midsummer night dream?"

    The talk was going on when Abu Bakr came up. "Do you know, Abu Bakr, what news your friend has for you in the morning?" said one of the mean. "He says he was on the highest heaven last night, having a talk with Allah, the Almighty. Would you believe it?"

    "I would believe anything that the Messenger of Allah says," replied Abu Bakr

    When the holy Prophet learnt of this, he at once said, "Abu Bakr is the `Siddiq'." `Siddiq' is a person so sincere of heart that doubts never mar his love. Abu Bakr earned this title because of his faith was too strong to be shaken by anything.

    Migration to Medina
    W hen the Meccans were intent on putting out, once and for all, the light of Islam, Allah commanded the holy Prophet to move to Medina. In the burning heat of the midday sun, there was a knock at Abu Bakr's door. He ran to the door and found the Messenger of Allah standing outside. "I must leave for Medina tonight," said he.

    "Will I also have the honor of going with you?" asked Abu Bakr eagerly.

    "Of course," came the reply. "Set about getting things ready."

    Abu Bakr was beside himself with joy. "I have been looking forward to this day for months," he exlaimed. "I have specifically kept two camels to carry us to Medina."

    It was Abu Bakr who made all the arrangements for the historic journey. for three days he and the Prophet lay hidden in the Thaur cave. Abu Bakr's slave tended the flocks of goats near the cave all day and supplied them fresh milk for food. His son, Abdullah, brought news about what the Meccans were doing.

    The Meccans were searching for the holy Prophet like mad hounds. Once they came right to the mouth of the cave. Abu Bakr grew pale with fright. He feared, not for himself, but for the Prophet. However, the holy Prophet remained perfectly calm. "Do not fear," he said to Abu Bakr, "certainly Allah is with us."

    Of all the companions, Abu Bakr had the honor of being with the Prophet during the most critical days of his life. Abu Bakr knew full well what this honor meant. And he did full justice to the trust put in him.

    Participation in Battles
    A bu Bakr took part in all the battles that the holy Prohpet had to fight. All his life, he fought bravely under the banner of the Prophet. At Ohud and Hunain, some of the men showed weakness. They forgot to do their duty. But Abu Bakr's faith never wavered. He always stood like a rock by the side of the Prophet.

    At Badr, one of Abu Bakr's sons, who had not yet embraced Islam, was fighting on the side of the Meccan. Afterwards, when he became a Muslim, he one day said, "Father! at Badr you were twice under my sword. But my love for you held back my hand."

    "Son!" remarked Abu Bakr, "if I had got that chance only once, you must have been no more."

    When peace talks at Hudaibiya were going on, Abu Bakr sat by the side of the Prophet. During conversation, the spokesman of the Quraish ever now and then gave a jerk to the beard of the Prophet, after the Arab fashion. This was too much for Abu Bakr. He took out his sword and looked angrily at the man. "If that hand touches the beard of the Prophet again," he warned, "it will not be allowed to go back."

    This amazed the Meccan agents. "What a change in Abu Bakr!" they whispered to one another. "He was known for soft-heartedness. How strong and firm he is now become! He is no longer the self-same Abu Bakr."

    Tabuk was the last expedition of the holy Prophet. He was keen to make it a great success. He asked people to help the expedition with whatever they could. This time Abu Bakr beat all past records. He took all his money and household articles and heaped them at the Prophet's feet.

    "Have you left back anything for your wife and children?" asked the holy Prophet.

    "Allah and His Apostle are enough for them," replied Abu Bakr calmly. Those standing around were stunned. It was impossible to outdo Abu Bakr in the field of service to Islam.

    The holy Prophet felt much pleased at this answer. He made Abu Bakr the standard-bearer of the expedition.

    Abu Bakr's closeness to the Prophet and his boundless devotion to Islam won him universal respect. Not only was he the first man to accept Islam, he was also the foremost among Muslims to uphold the cause of Islam.

    Agent to the Prophet
    Mecca fell in the eight year of Hijra. Kaaba was, for the first time, in the hands of Muslims. It had to be cleaned of the traces of idol-worship and the silly practices of pagan days. Hitherto pagan Arabs had done absurd things at the time of Hajj. They went around the House of Allah naked. They did many other foolish and unclean things. All this had to be stopped.

    The first Hajj under Islam fell in the ninth year of Hijra. The holy Prophet was too busy at Medina to lead the Hajj himself. So he sent Abu Bakr as his agent. He was to lead the Hajj in place of the Prophet. Ali was also sent with Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr read the Khutba (Sermon) of Hajj. Then Ali stood up and read out to the people the commandments of Allah concerning the idolworshippers. From that year on, they were forbidden to enter the Kaaba.

    Ever since he came to Medina, the holy Prophet himself led prayers in the Prophet's Mosque. It was an unusually high office which the Messenger of Allah himself filled. During his last illness, the holy Prophet could no longer lead prayers. He grew too weak to go to the mosque. He had to appoint someone to act in his place. This honor also fell to the lot of Abu Bakr. Aisha, who was Abu Bakr's daughter and a wife of the holy Prophet, thought that the burden was too much for her tender-hearted father. She pleaded with the holy Prophet to excuse here father from this duty. But the holy Prophet did not change his mind.

    Thus in the lifetime of the holy Prophet Abu Bakr came to fill the highest office under Islam.
    One day Abu Bakr was away on some business and Omar led the prayer in his absence. "This is not Abu Bakr's voice," remarked the ailing Messenger of Allah. "No one but he should lead prayers. He is the fittest person for this high office."

    On the last day of his life, the condition of the holy Prophet became suddenly better for a while. It was early morning. Abu Bakr was leading the prayer in the mosque. The holy Prophet lifted the curtain of his door and fixed his gaze on the worshippers. They were busy in prayer under Abu Bakr's leadership. A smile lite up on the pale face of the holy Prophet. He let go of the curtain, as his weak hand could no longer hold it. But he was happy at the thought that he had chosen the best man to fill his place.

    Abu Bakr Elected Caliph A Critical Moment
    The holy Prophet occupied a unique place among his people. He was everything to them. From warring ignorant pagans, he had made them a nation of peaceful, God-fearing people. They were "dead" as the Quran puts it and the holy Prophet had "raised them to life." So they rightly came to look upon him as the giver of life. Life without him seemed to be an empty thing.

    The news of the Prophet's death came as a stunning shock to everyone. How could it be? He had been ill for some days, they all knew. But death was unbelievable. That simply could not be. A huge crows gathered in the mosque. No one knew what to do. There was utter confusion. Omar was so overcome with emotion that he drew his sword and declared, "If anyone says that the Messenger of Allah is dead. I will cut off his head!"

    Things were in this state when Abu Bakr entered the mosque. Finding the holy Prophet better that morning, he had gone a few miles outside of Medina, earlier in the day, but had come back on hearing the sad news. He took his stand in a corner of the courtyard and called out to the people. All eyes were turned towards him. Then he began his famous address:

    "O people! If anyone among you worshipped Muhammad, let him know that Muhammad is dead. But those who worship Allah, let him know that He lives and will never die. Let all of us recall the words of the Qur'an. It says, `Muhammad is only a Messenger of Allah There have been Messengers before him. What then, will you turn back from Islam, if he dies or is killed?"

    These words of Abu Bakr worked magic. In no time the confusion was gone. The words of the Qur'an swept of all doubts from people's minds. They got ready to face facts.

    Abubakr Siddiq - the most exalted Sahabi.[U]
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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Alhamdulillah, aside from al khalifatur rashideen... khalid bin waleed, bilal, and usama bin zayd were cool mashaAllah [radiAllahu 'anhum] im sure i'll remember a couple others =)
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Well my fav.Prophet will be of course Muhammad,fav.Sahaba Abu Bakr if Allah's Apostle favored him why can't I?Fav.Sahabiyat no doubt Aisha.Alot of things in common.
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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    1 of my most favs. wud b Khalid Bin Waleed(RA)....

    I'd like 2 b as skilled as him, with a great sense of foresight in battle...

    swordofallah800 - Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?
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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    i luv khalid bin Walid...cuz he was da 'Sword of Allah' n i dunno...his lyf was soooo gr8....he fought da best he bought victory indat battle wen all da other commanders wer martyred :'( :'(

    Humza (prophet's uncle) cuz he was a martyr n da Prophet luved him very much....n cuz he was respected n feard by evry1...his fighting tactics wer gr8

    Umar bin al Khattab cuz of da way he accepted islam...da story is gr8...n his wisdom...n also da prophet's respect 4 him. he bought da golden years also 4 his strong personality

    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    Now don't forget the story of "the lion in the den"

    Abdul Basit Ahmad

    Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas (R.A) is one of the most outstanding heroes of Islamic history. Being one of the early converts to Islam in Makkah, his life story is filled with adventures and struggles for the sake of Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) used to affectionately greet him by mentioning their kinship, as Sa'd (R.A) was the Prophet's uncle. His valor and skill in battle, combined with his religious devotion led to him being referred to as The Lion in the Den. His leading the Muslim armies in their conquest of Persia resulted in the conversion of the people of Iraq and Iran to Islam.
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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    i lurrve da battle stories :loving: dey r soo gud...brings tears to ma eyes wen i read em :'( :'( :'(

    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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    Re: Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

    i love all of the sahabah and the sahabt
    but my fav would be salman al-farsi
    Last edited by ummAbdillah; 03-23-2006 at 09:26 PM.
    Who is your favourite Sahabah/Sahabiat and why?

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