You're maybe right and at some point, I'm trying to get away from this stress by limiting myself on watching news.
When we look into our history, Islamic history, we find innumerable situations from the very beginnings of the Dawah in Mecca of Rasoolulah (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) up until today of the Muslims being in impossible situations in which Allah delivered them in nothing short of miraculous ways.
“And whosoever has Taqwa of Allah, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide for him from sources he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things.” (Surah At-Talaq 65:2-3)
The provision mentioned would of course apply to money and financial needs, but it also applies to anything that the Muslim may need.
This was of course true in the time of the Prophet (Salalahu 'Alaihi wa Salaam) but it is also very true in what has occurred to the Muslims after him.
When we study history, it is after the fact. We can sit in our chairs and read that which a particular scholar or group of scholars of history spent a number of years writing combing through the debris of documents, manuscripts, testimonies and evidence of what had occurred. Because the heat of the situation had already cooled down, we can get (inshaAllah) a good grasp of the overall picture.
Because of that, it is very possible and not all too difficult for the diligent reader to be able to see much of the wisdom in what Allah Wills of events, conflicts, tragedies, tribulations and turmoil that has befallen the Ummah over the centuries.
The thing for us, now, is that because of the media confusion (amongst other reasons) it is VERY difficult for us to see the full picture. I do believe that in this age of information of ours, it is possible, but very difficult. Even when we cut ourselves off from the waswas of the media (which I very strongly encourage all to do) we still do need to fill the gap in our understanding of the true, full assessment of what is going on in the world. That is very hard.
Because of this, that silver lining, that deep profound wisdom of Allah's decree that awes the contemplative heart, that monkey wrench in the "grand" plot of shaitan can become very obscure and unapparent to us and all we see is darkness upon darkness: Hopelessness upon despair.
We have to always fall back on our general trust in Allah and know (without knowing how) that everything is going according to plan (His Plan) and that the best of planners is Allah and that He Knows exactly what He is doing. What we have to do is concern ourselves deeply with our own weaknesses and shortcomings and do as much as we can (which could be a lot more than you think) to help whomever we can even if only with Dua'. If you can do more than dua, then you must, but Dua' is a good solid, and vital baseline that any and all of us can do. With Dua', you, the one who knows very little, is calling upon the One who Knows All to help those who are weak and oppressed. He Knows their situation and plight better than anyone and He can Help them in ways that neither we nor they can expect. Chances are (because of what I mentioned earlier) you won't see the answer to your dua, but that doesn't mean that your dua isn't being answered.
I'm just worried that Taliban ban the vaccines and I remember this is exactly what they did with polio vaccines. What's your thoughts on this?
Back to the basics:
Aisha reported: She asked the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, about plagues and he said,
“It is a punishment that Allah sends upon whoever he wills, but Allah has made it a mercy for the believers. Any servant who resides in a land afflicted by plague, remaining patient and hoping for reward from Allah, knowing that nothing will befall him but what Allah has decreed, he will be given the reward of a martyr.” (Bukhari)
Vaccine or no vaccine, nothing of harm will touch any Muslim except exactly and precisely what Allah decrees.
None of us doubt this. But have we ever seen and witnessed any real practical example of this greater than that of COVID-19? There are people dying all over the place and then there are people who get a little sniffle and then it's nothing. Some have shown no symptoms whatsoever. Everyone from healthy to sick to old to young has been affected at all sorts of varying degrees. The fact that Allah has spared the children (for the most part) from the brunt of this disease strikes me with awe.
As far as getting the vaccine yourself or not, then make Istikharah and you won't have any regrets. There would be no better advice I could give you on this or any other matter.
Allahu 'Alim