Will Allah Reunite Two Souls?


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Selamaleykum, I have a question.Me and my girlfriend of 5 months broke up yesterday, she said she needs to get more focused on school, graduation and on her connection with Allah to come even closer.We prayed for each other, mentioned her in my dua, she mentioned me, it was a beautiful relationship, it was halal, nothing haram done, and when she said "If Allah has plans for us it will happen and we will meet again at the right time"Does right person but wrong timing exist in Islam because I know Allah swt is the Best Planner, and is there a chance to get us back together?
No we were not in a marriage, we were just seeing each other, trying to plan our future tbh, it was really great, had the same goals, prayers, there was not even a hand holding we were really all about making it a really nice and halal relationship
No we were not in a marriage, we were just seeing each other, trying to plan our future tbh, it was really great, had the same goals, prayers, there was not even a hand holding we were really all about making it a really nice and halal relationship
sorry to hear that, heartbreak is not fun

better to avoid it inshaAllah
Asalam aleikum brother, in my opinion there is not such thing as "Right person wrong time" because its all Allahs plans, and Allah wants what's best for you. If I was you I will come even closer to Allah, and there is a reason for everything that happened, if you guys isn't married or engaged its still haram, because your guys are committing zina, remember even the eyes commit zina. The only thing you can do is to make dua, and if you guys begin to talk again, then do nikkah first because then its halal for you guys to talk. And if she is your nasib Allah will put you guys together but if she isn't your nasib, you can make dua for she can be your nasib.
My brother, make duas for her, and inshallah, Allah will put you guys back to together, but please remember to do nikkah first before everything, only after you have done nikkah with her, its allowed for you to talk and going out with her. One of the reason for why you guys Maybe not together is that it was haram relationship, and by that I do not mean, you guys holding Hands, giving hugs, but that you haven't done nikkah or any form for marriage. It could be a test from Allah for you guys to realize what you guys are doing before its getting out of hands.

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